Elen Marquardt

Senior Manager Tax
Diplom-Kauffrau / Expert-Comptable (LU)
Breuer Tax & Accounting

After studying business administration at the University of Trier, I started my professional career at PwC in Düsseldorf in 2006. For personal reasons, I returned to our beautiful region in 2007 and ended up at EY Luxembourg in the Financial Services Tax division. In Tax Compliance, I found a good balance between my professional and private life and was able to adapt

my working hours to the needs of my family. After 10 years, it was time for new experiences, first on the client side, later in smaller tax consulting firms. I have been working at Breuer Tax & Accounting in the tax department since March 2023. My dog Juna, which sometimes accompanies me to work, feels just as comfortable here as I do.