Our services

For companies

Your contact partner
Jakob Breuer

Our focus

Our industry focus is on the support of Luxembourg alternative investment fund structures and other investment structures, primarily in the asset classes of renewable energy, real estate, debt and private equity/venture capital. 

Our activities are focused on ongoing accounting and tax support, as well as support in the implementation of investment structures. Our clients include holding companies (SOPARFI), limited partnerships (SCS & SCSp), property companies (PropCos) and investment funds (AIF, SICAV SIF & RAIF) as well as SICARs.

We collaborate with other service providers in a pragmatic and efficient manner. One example of this is our cooperation with other German tax advisors, which we are particularly able to assist thanks to our dual qualification as Luxembourgish Expert-Comptable and German tax advisor (Steuerberater).

Beyond these areas of specialization, we are of course also working extensively for companies in various sectors, particularly in the service sector.

Our services

In the field of accounting, we offer services in the area of bookkeeping, monthly or quarterly financial statements and other accounting reporting, annual financial statements as well as liquidation and merger balance sheets and consolidations.

In the field of taxation, we offer e.g. the preparation of corporate tax returns, current tax advice and support in the implementation of structuring advice.

For employers

Your contact partner
Martina Otto

Reliable partnership

Issues relating to employees and personnel are always very confidential and often very sensitive. We therefore see ourselves rather as a partner than a classic service provider. Intensive discussions often give us a very good feeling of the company and its philosophy, so that we can provide individual advice.

Our services

We support our clients in all matters relating to their employees from a payroll tax or social security law perspective.

We offer our clients support in the monthly payroll process for Germany and Luxembourg. In case of cross-border employee activities, we ensure that all tax and social security obligations are implemented correctly. There is only one team that acts as a point of contact for both countries. This simplifies processes and saves resources. We are not just an executive service provider, but are at your side in an advisory capacity. If, for example, we notice any discrepancies in the salary data provided, we will point this out to you and look for a solution.

In addition, we train the HR departments in small or large groups or hold information events for employees.

For individuals

Your contact partner
Martina Otto

Cross-border support

Our focus is on advising private individuals from both a German and a Luxembourg perspective. Particularly in times of increasing teleworking, mobile working or global engagement, it is important to us to provide our clients with a comprehensive overview of their tax situation. This primarily concerns the income earned, but is also becoming increasingly relevant in the case of gifts or inheritance. For Germany and Luxembourg, we are at your side personally - for all other country combinations, we work in a reliable network.

Our services

We support our clients in the preparation of private income tax returns for both Germany and Luxembourg and provide individual advice based on family situations and different types of income. We also consider social security aspects in our standardized approach

We also advise our clients on cross-border gift or inheritance issues.